India produces nearly 70% of the Jaggery’s total production, where it is usually called “Gur.” Jaggery is made by vaporizing the water from sugar cane juice or palm sap. It is sold as a block, liquid or granules.
Jaggery is made using traditional methods of pressing and distilling palm or cane juice. This is a 3-step process- Extraction, Clarification and Concentration. Jaggery is an untreated sugar product made in Asia and Africa.
It’s sometimes referred to as a “non-diffusive sugar,” because it’s not spun during processing to eliminate the nutritious molasses.
Similar non- diffusive sugar products exist all over Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, although they are known by different names.
It’s most often made with sugar cane. However, Jaggery made from date palm is also common in many countries.