Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea


Chamomile green tea is a derivative of dried chamomile flower and green tea. It is golden in color and has a delectable, fruity flavor. Better known as the “Herbal Tonic” in various parts of the world, this delicious tea has many health related benefits.

Kashmiri Khawa Health Benefits
1. Rich in Antioxidants.
2. Prevents Cancer.
3. Reduces Inflammation.
4. Helps in Treating Diabetes.
5. Helps with Good Sleep.

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Chamomile tea has been in use to treat a wide range of health issues as it always gives promising results in most people.

Generally, doctors assign Chamomile tea with a certain number of doses. To start with a low dose and then slowly increase the dose, is a safe practice.

Dried Chamomile flowers that are used to make this tea also consist of chemicals called flavonoids. These chemicals are full of nutrition and play a significant role in medical effects.

